What if there was a NEW way to create anything you truly desired? 


A way to bend TIME, accelerating your chosen path.


Creating not from the memory of the past. 


But from the future you have chosen for yourself.


It's time for us all to anchor into a version of self that has access to birth our soul's truest desires.



The Gravity Goddess 

Bend Time to the Gravity of your Desires 



FIVE Months of LIVE Teachings

The Human Desires

Explore the duality of human desires: Safety, Connection & Abundance. Discover your soul's truest desire.

The Energy Bodies

The five energy bodies hold the keys to anchoring in Safety and Connection within all levels of self.

The Evolutionary Trio

Multidimensional Consciousness meets the 3D perception of Time meets the Gravity of desire. 

Expansion and Containment

From dimensional expansion to quantum collapse, duality has served our evolution ... until now.

Weaving the Evolution

Anchoring safety within and access the keys to collapse time by harnessing the gravity within self.

What you can expect 

A safe, held container to expand your understanding of the universe.

Mind bending quantum physics discussions.

More awareness of self, why you're here, and your mission at this time. 

Understanding of what has been holding you and the collective back from the evolution we have been seeking.

The codex to literally bend time, accelerating your path.

The ability to create anything faster than you knew possible from businesses, to relationships, to experiences.


This experience is about the self-mastery of your own gravity so that you can use that gravity to create real impact on the planet!

How do I know this is for me?

Do you know you're here to make big changes on this planet? 

Are you done chasing the origin of every trigger, and ready to move into action, change, and impact? 

Do you love exploring what more is possible inside this human experience? 

Are you ready to anchor in safety, connection and abundance into your field and every single area of your life? 

Does the idea of bending time really excite you!!? 

Then yes, this is for YOU!

"I have been honoured and privileged to work with Amanda and her gravity process. It is completely revolutionary and will create radical change in your life. I have used it to bend time in all areas of my life. I created 600% more income in my business in the first month I used it, was able to go from couch to running 5km in only 8 weeks and am now using it to heal my  relationships. I am a huge believer in this system."
"Through my connection with Amanda I have witnessed how the gravity from which I operate will magnetize or repel my desires. I've been able to clearly see the revolution that occurs when I create from a place of memory and wounding. I've also witnessed the magic that happens when I encompass all that I am and allow myself the space to truly evolve.
The process that Amanda models has propelled me forward and impacted the way I connect to my life. The experience has asked me to lay it all down, to embrace every aspect of my being and to step forward from a place that is unique to me. The life that is unfolding before my eyes using this process is beyond my wildest dreams and it continues to evolve each and everyday! Gravity Goddess will illuminate the path you have been seeking...I know it did for me!"

You Ready for this? Let's do it!Ā 


  • 20 weeks of self-study instruction
  • Weekly homework to expand yourĀ understanding
I'm IN

Hi, I'm Amanda Quick. 

After my spiritual awakening, I became fascinated with all things metaphysical and quantum healing. I jumped into learning everything I could to help me understand what more was out there and why we experience the hardships we do.

Today, I'm a Quantum Energy Healer and Coach, and I am delighted to be sharing what I have learned about containing the duality within, so that we can find safety in our bodies, ground in who we are, and actually bend time to create ANYTHING we truly desire faster than we ever knew possible. 

It is my honor to guide you on this journey.

Amanda is one of the most brilliantly amazing 'coaches' I've ever had the privilege to work with, work for, mentor, and be mentored by. (and that's just the tip of the iceberg on descriptions of what this woman is capable of!)
If you've ever struggled with stepping into your authenticity, if you've ever wondered if you could do more with your life, please, schedule some time with Amanda. She'll show you that you can change your world.